It’s a phrase we say a lot to clients.
“You’re not fat. You have fat.”

  • Excess fat does not get to label you and define who you are.
  • Excess fat does not have to be permanent.
  • Excess fat happens. It’s normal…
    Don’t let it become your identity.
    You are more than a number on the scales. A measure on a tape. A progress photo. A dress size.
    You really can change and shape your own identity and carve a new one for yourself if you want.
    It’s something we teach our clients. Our words are powerful. The way we describe ourselves and our
    habits shape our identity. If you don’t want to label yourself as fat anymore, you can work on it by
    changing your identity.
    You can start by asking yourself these two powerful questions:
    1) What habits does someone who has excess fat do on a daily or weekly basis?
    2) What habits does someone who starts to lose body fat do on a daily or weekly basis?
    Then you start to do less of the habits in point 1) and more of the habits in point 2).
    You can also use these two questions for other identities you may have created for yourself.
    Do you label yourself as someone who is not good with money?
    Do you label yourself as lazy?
    Do you label yourself as someone who is underperforming in their job?
    Do you label yourself as someone who is always stressed?
    Whatever identity you have created for yourself, whatever words you use to describe yourself in your
    head or to others, use the two powerful questions above to reverse the identity you have created.

You could literally change your identity by focusing on the daily habits you adopt in your life.You can
change your life and your identity from a series of negative habits to positive habits, one decision at
a time.If you need professional support to unpick your identity and up level your life in more than just
what you eat and how you move, we would love to hear from you.
Want to arrange a consultation with our Coach Steve on how we can help you? Book HERE

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