When it comes to our health and fitness it is all to often that people don’t plan ahead and make this a priority, but is this where most people are going wrong from the outset? It is our health after all and it should always come priority in life. When you start a new job, I am sure that you prepare yourself in the days leading up to your first day but getting adequate information about the role, having the correct uniform or clothing set out and getting an early night to be fresh for the first day right? Well why should your fitness journey be any different? 

“Fail to prepare, prepare to fail” – This is a great quote and heres why. If you decide that tomorrow you will start a new fitness journey to achieve your goals whatever they may be,  but you don’t consider what you will do tomorrow in order to achieve those goals, you are most likely to do the same as you always do. Grab convenient lunch on the go, lose track of time and don’t make it to the gym and then tell yourself you will start the next day instead. But if you set time aside to prepare for the days ahead – planning your meals, scheduling a time to go and get your workout done, setting yourself a goal of hitting 10,000 steps each day of the week and buying a litre bottle of water to make sure you drink each day. You have given yourself a plan to take out the thought process each day, meaning you will be more likely to stick to it and achieve your weekly/daily goals. 

So here are some of our preparation tips – 

1) Meal plan, write down on a Sunday a meal plan for dinners and lunches for the week ahead, take this food shopping and only buy the ingredients needed for your set meals. This takes out the thought process and leaves less chance of grabbing a takeaway or something quick and easy for dinner. 

2) Set a time in your diary for your workouts like you would a meeting at work – You can then ensure that nothing gets in the way of your training time and tick off those workouts that you set yourself to do each week. 

3) Set an alarm each day to remind you to take 10-20 minutes for some fresh air to help get your steps up each day – fresh air is great for the mind and body, so use this time to reflect on your day/week and switch off from work or your children if thats what you need. 

4) Buy a 1L water bottle – You can then measure and see how much you have or haven’t drank throughout the day and then challenge yourself to increase it over the coming days if you need to. 

These are just a few tips for preparing to achieve your goals, but make today the day you change your ways and get started on the fitness journey that you want to be on in order to make long lasting changes to your health and wellbeing. 

Interested in having a FREE 7 day trial at our Bootcamp classes in Basingstoke then email us at our gym in Basingstoke at admin@fitnessflex.co.uk

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