How to actually LOVE yourself 

We all know that we are who we are and we only get one life, so why not make the most of it, right? Most people will admit to having floors and struggling some days with that voice inside of us telling us we aren’t good enough, or that those few drinks on the weekends have gone straight to our thighs and we aren’t always content with the reflection in the mirror. We would be lying if they didn’t have those days. 

The way we talk to ourselves, usually we would never say those things to another person, its crazy! At the gym in Basingstoke, we try to encourage people to be kinder to themselves, treat yourself and speak to yourself how you would treat others. Because what harm can we cause by practicing a bit of self love? 

So you say, how can we start being kinder to ourselves? 

Here is some of our top tips at Fitness Flex Gym Basingstoke, give some a try. 

1 – Pay attention to your inner voice 

This is the voice that we consistently listen to, regardless if you ever really stop to think about what you are saying- this will be implementing your mood and thoughts. 

So next time you look in the mirror, listen to that voice and to what it is saying – challenge it and change it to a positive instead. 

 2 – If you wouldn’t say it to a friend, don’t say it to yourself 

A great rule for those in Basingstoke to think about, if you wouldn’t dream of saying something out loud to friend or family member about their body, their efforts or actions, then do not say it to yourself.  

3 – Do not compare yourself! 

Comparison is the theif of joy, and the only person you should compare yourself to is you! To be the best person of yourself. 

4 – Be you, and only you! 

It is time to appreciate your worth, appreciate the wins and give yourself a pat on the back daily, because at Fitness Flex Basingstoke we know you are way better than you will ever let yourself believe. 

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