Out Calories in relates to the amount of calories you eat and the calories out is the number of calories you burn!

Now you burn calories on a daily basis regardless of it you actually move, this is known as your BMR – basically the calories are being burnt when your body is sustaining basic functions – such as your heart beat.

Your body also uses the energy in calories to digest the foods you are consuming – this is known as the TEF.

But the rest of the calories will come from your activity that day!

Whether that be cycling, swimming, a bootcamp, walking ect.

Even things like standing to wash the dishes, hoovering the house ect.

SO…. When the number of calories you consume matches the number of calories burnt you will remain the same.

Cals in < calories out = loss

When the calories out are greater than the calories in, you will loose!

This is called a calorie deficit!

Calories in > calories out = gain

HOWEVER when the calories in are greater than those out, you will over a period of time if this remains consistent will gain!

It’s not as simple as that but it does give you a clear understanding that when you eat more and move less you will gain, when you move more and eat less you will lose!

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