Upper body strength training and its importance
We talk about regularly how important it is to maintain good posture during your day to day life and too often we find ourselves slumped over our desks working, or hunched over on the couch watching tv in the evenings and we never think twice about the impact this is having on our mobility, flexibility and ability to function effectively in our life, especially as you go into your later years when things naturally start to become harder to do.
Small tasks like lifting a kettle, carrying bags from the supermarket and getting up and down from the floor and chairs actually takes more muscle recruitment than you would think. Having sufficient strength in your upper body will help you to move mostly pain free and with ease. During bootcamp sessions at fitness flex basingstoke we ensure the exercises cover a range of movements and muscle groups. Exercises that require a pushing motion typically will use your chest, arms and core muscles and then those movements to create a pull will be predominantly using your upper and lower back, arms and core muscle groups. We then of course always include leg dominant exercises as well for a whole body workout.
However there are some exercises and holds that you could do at home to help strengthen the stabilising muscles in order to help build the overall strength in your shoulders, back and arms. See our top recommended home exercises you could include below and give them a try yourself.
If you ever need help with any specific exercise advise or want to have a chat with one of our trainers at fitness flex basingstoke, then get in touch by contacting us at admin@fitnessflex.co.uk
T,Y&W’s – Lie face down on a flat bench and perform the following movements: First, raise your arms out to 90 degrees to make a “T” shape with your body. Turn your thumbs downwards. Next, move your arms above you to form a “Y” shape (thumbs up, then down). Now, bend your elbows to make a “W” shape with your arms (thumbs up). Hold each position for 5 seconds

Tricep Dips – Lower yourself down to the bottom of a triceps dip. At the bottom, you’ll feel a deep stretch at the front and top of the shoulder.

Push-Ups – On your knees or your feet (image below is modified to make it easier, on your knees), lower your torso down bending your arms to 90 degrees, hold for a second and then explode back to straighten the arms. Repeat for 8-10 repetitions