Static Stretching

Static Stretching

What is static stretching? It involves holding a stretch in a fixed position for a longer period of time, usually 15 to 60 seconds. Different stretches target different muscle groups. So what are the benefits? It improves flexibility and range of motion by gradually...

Kettlebell Swings & The Benefits

Kettlebell Swings & The Benefits So what are kettlebell swings and why should I be doing them? Kettlebell swings are a full body exercise that primarily targets the muscles of the posterior chain; glutes, hamstrings, core and shoulders, while also engaging the...

Lunges & Benefits

Lunges & The Benefits. What are lunges and are they good for me? YES, OF COURSE! Lunges are a lower-body exercise that involves stepping forward, backward, or to the side. They are a staple exercise in strength and conditioning routines and offer many benefits....

Squats and the Benefits.

A squat is a compound, full-body exercise that focuses on targeting the muscles of the lower body, including quadriceps; hamstrings; glutes and calves. The movement involves lowering the hips and bending knees from a standing position then returning to standing...
Benefits of Protein

Benefits of Protein

Benefits of Protein What’s protein? Basically the building blocks of a human body. Every cell in the human body contains protein and the basic structure of it is a chain of amino acids. There are 3 types of amino acids: – Essential: Cannot be made by the body,...

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