Something has got me fuming recently and I’m going to share with you all.

It’s happening with a LOT of people I know…
And I’m sick of it:  
⚫ No matter what program or diet they try, there are no changes with how their body looks in the mirror. 
⚫ They’re switching between high intensity interval training and made up on the spot weights workouts to try and ‘shock’ their body. 
⚫ They eat ‘healthy’ all week… but by 6:30pm on Friday, the JustEat app comes out as their willpower vanishes.  
⚫ And they are paying for PT sessions that felt very much like they were just going through the motions 
And why does it make me angry? 

Because this behaviour has become so NORMAL.
Believe me when I say though…
It’s not your fault. 
I’ve seen it first hand. 
This ISN’T normal. 
It’s the fault of all the terrible generic advice out there. 

And what makes things even worse, many commercial gyms are now operating vitrual sessions with weights.

Yeah you can go to a gym now and watch a video of a resistance circuit or HIIT session.

No coaching, no community and no one to even hold you accountable to the reps and sets. 
Gyms and coaches cutting corners is becoming rife at the moment. 

This isn’t just with the level of service either, but also their advice.
I’ve heard people being told:  
– If they’re gonna train twice a day, do cardio in the morning and weights at night. 
– They need to train abs after EVERY session if they want to see a flat and toned belly.  
– They should be eating under 1200 calories a day. 

A lot of this is straight up dangerous and speaking in such certainties is simply wrong. 
It can lead clients to a vicious few weeks of under eating, over training, and no results. 
Followed by a quick binge weekend because your cravings are through the roof.
Suddenly it’s Monday and you’re ‘starting again’…
You’re going to be ‘good’ all week…
And give yourself a ‘treat’ at the weekend. 
It goes on and on and on. 
Here’s the thing though. 
It doesn’t have to be like this. 
What if I told you it was possible to – 
⚫ Drop 5-7% body fat and do it all without starving yourself silly, feeling guilty or stressed about a glass of wine. 
⚫ Stop feeling sorry for yourself and stand in front of the mirror wearing a pair of jeans or a dress that hasn’t been touched for months. And do it with body confidence levels that you’ve never seen before. 
⚫ Have all of your friends, family and colleagues shower you with compliments on how AMAZING you look. 
⚫ Get into the shape of your life without spending 2 boring monotonous hours in the gym every single night. 
Trust me. 
This is all possible. 
But it’s only possible IF you follow the unique methods that we provide you then getting your dream body has never been easier. Thats why we have already sold 50% of our 12 Week Body Transformation spaces for January 2023 already.

So if you are interested in taking action then email us today to get booked in for your free consultation.
See you soon, 

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