Exercising as part of a routine or punishment for what you ate or because you actually enjoy it?
We know that many people take up new diets and regimes that they follow in order to achieve their goals and improve their health and this is something that we pride ourselves on helping people to achieve. However it is too often that we hear people saying that they “need to workout” or “must burn off the cake they ate last night” and this could be actually the reason that they are not sticking to regularly participating in exercising and it holds them back from actually achieving their goals.
When you use terms such as must, need to, have to you are instantly creating a feeling of regiment and give yourself no other option, which then leads to guilt if the activity or task set is not achieved that day. At fitness flex bootcamp Basingstoke, we prefer clients to come in for sessions and actually enjoy the training that they do. Instead of having those negative connotations associated around exercising they start to relate positive feelings about going to the gym and then it leads to be part of the weekly routine because they actually want to.
By reframing you thoughts to a positive rather than a negative, you instantly take away that feeling of guilt if you don’t manage to complete that task for the day. Some examples of reframing your thoughts can be-
– I have to go and do bootcamp today – instead try – I get to go and move my body in bootcamp today
– I need to get 10,000 steps today – Instead try – I am lucky enough to be able to get outside and get my steps in for the day on a beautiful day.
– Today I can’t exercise – instead try – Today I have managed to be very productive instead of going to the gym, but I am pleased I got those tasks done.
See how much of a positive impact this can have on your goals and your mindset and give it a try today. Even if you just try to reframe one of your thoughts today.
Want to find out more about the best gym in basingstoke? Then contact us today admin@fitnessflex.co.uk to book in for a FREE Bootcamp Trial