The what, whys and who’s of creatine supplementation 

You may or may not be familiar with the word creatine but this is often associated with those people who lift heavy, get strong and dedicated to the gym, many of types of people you see in Basingstoke. However, this is not the case! Both men and women can benefit from taking a supplementation of creatine daily, reaping improved performance, benefits to health and contributing to fat loss. 

So what is it? 

In simple terms, creatine is an amino acid, this is created within the kidney and liver and you will consume some through your daily diet, however if you want to see maximum results of performance and muscle growth, research shows supplements to positively link to these results. 


Creatine helps the body to use the energy stored in the muscle in high intensity exercise, which means the more creatine there is available the longer it can help to provide this energy – resulting in you feeling less tired during your workouts at fitness flex gym Basingstoke. 

Who should be taking it? 

Research shows that both men and women have the same effects from taking supplements of creatine. Benefits of this in both Male and Female include – reduction of body fat, increased strength, improved performance and boost of energy. 

It can help benefit your health long term too, this is important in especially females, as they are at higher risk of developing health conditions such as brittle bones as they get older. Creatine has been proven to have influences on increased bone mass and lean body mass. 

We have many members at our gym in Basingstoke who started supplementing with creatine along side resistance training and hiit training and are seeing great results physically and mentally. So why not give it a try. But of course, do your research and speak to any medical professional if you are unsure of where and what form to take this in. 

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