by fitnessflex | Aug 24, 2021 | News
The majority of people see January as the best time to start a new fitness plan, however, did you know 66% of people quit their new year plan within one month! Any new fitness plan is hard to stick to but in my opinion, January isn’t the best time to be trying to get...
by fitnessflex | Aug 11, 2021 | News
‘Gymtimidation’ is described as the fear and intimidation commonly experienced by people when they consider attending a gym or even joining a new fitness programme. If you can identify with the feeling of stress and embarrassment at the thought...
by fitnessflex | Aug 9, 2021 | News
After being over-indulgent in lockdown, it’s no surprise that “to lose weight” is one of the most common goals for people at the moment. Using bootcamps will offer you benefits that most gyms won’t. It’s important to understand the differences,...