So what is a deadlift? It is a weightlifting exercise where you lift most commonly a

barbell or weights from the ground to a full standing position, whereby multiple

muscle groups are engaged. The muscle groups primarily targeted are: lower back;

glutes; hamstrings; and quadriceps but also activates muscles in the upper back;

core; and grip.

So what’s the breakdown of steps to perform a deadlift perfectly? Well…

1. Position the barbell on the floor, close to your sins, about half way across your feet.

2. Feet shoulder-width apart and toes slightly pointed out.

3. Bend your hips and knees to lower your body, grabbing the bar with a pronated grip or a mixed grip (one hand pronated the other supinated). Your arms should sit on the outside of your legs.

4. Your hips should sit in the middle of your shoulder and knee placing, back neutral (no over-arched or rounded); chest up; and shoulders back. Make sure your core is engaged.

5. Drive through your heels whilst extending your legs and driving hips forward. The bar should be dragged as close to your body as possible.

6. As the bar passes your knees, continue to lift by fully extending your hips and knees until in an upright position. DO NOT LEAN BACK OR OVER EXTEND YOUR BACK.

7. Push your hips back whilst keeping your back straight.

8. Once the bar passes your knees, bend them to lower the bar to the floor. REMEMBER HIPS IN THE MIDDLE OF KNEES AND SHOULDERS.

9. Repeated for desired reps and sets.

Why should I be doing deadlifts?

Deadlifts are a great way of increasing full body strength due to the amount of weight you can load and the amount of muscle groups it targets; strengths core and stability; improved posture; increased muscle mass;

boosts athletic performance by improving strength, power and explosiveness; fat burning due to being a compound movement; and prevents injury by strengthening the muscles around the spine and improving core stability.

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