Weight Lifting for Beginners

Weight Lifting for Beginners

Weight lifting is a great exercise if you want to tone up and build those muscles! Whether you are a man or woman, lifting weight can help improve your appearance and make you feel great. However, if you are a beginner and don’t know much about lifting weights,...
Why am i not losing weight

Why am i not losing weight

It’s not your fault. You’ve probably been lied to about weight loss. It’s not as simple as “”calories in, calories out.”” Well, if that was the solution to weight loss, then everyone who’s ever been on a diet would be...
How to Lower Body Fat Percentage

How to Lower Body Fat Percentage

It’s not hard to see that obesity is a major problem in the UK right now, so lets talk about how to lower body fat percentage. Thousands of adults are obese, and that number is only going up. Obesity leads to all sorts of health problems, including heart...
How to set realistic fitness goals and stick to them

Fun Exercises in Basingstoke

It’s a common human behaviour that things that are fun and enjoyable are easier to do. We feel excited and motivated when we are doing something that we love. On the other hand, things that are difficult and not so enjoyable can be pretty tough to get through....

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