Bye bye summer, hello autumn! Did you know a recent study showed that our bodies
increase in their insulin resistance due to the seasonal change between late summer and
early fall? What does this mean? Our bodies cells don’t respond properly to insulin, making it
more difficult for the cells to absorb glucose from the blood. This means if you aren’t willing
to drop those chocolate bars then be willing to jump into more burpees… Or even better get
yourself one of the lovely PT’s we have here at FItness Flex who will get you doing both.
During this transition, a lot of people struggle with SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder, which
causes major depressive episodes due to a secretion of the melatonin hormone. This
disorder drives people to sleep for up to an extra 3 hours per day meaning the body is
moving less which can cause a greater chance of increasing weight gain and weakened
immune system. With this disorder a greater nutrient focused diet needs to be attained. This
could mean eating more fruit and vegetables, immunity shots, and protein. During your
awakened periods, you need to ensure you are getting enough movement and mind
stimulation to make up for the extra time spent hibernating.
Do you struggle with motivation on colder, darker days? I know that’s something I battle with
every fall and winter. A few ways to keep motivated through the autumn period can be
having friends / family / personal trainers who will hold you accountable for food choices and
health focuses, motivational quotes posted around different places you attend commonly to
reinforce a positive mindset and focus, and most importantly making healthy choices fun.